Hi, I am Dr. Afzal, an avid cricket fan who has also played cricket for Warwickshire County in the past. I was also very fortunate to play for the NACC Ladies in its inaugural match against the MCC last summer. I am currently a GP in Birmingham.
As you are all aware we are currently in a pandemic caused by the sars coronavirus 2 which causes the COVID-19 disease causing thousands of deaths in the world. The UK is seeing one of the largest mortality rates in the UK and sadly a third of those deaths are from BAME backgrounds. We need to protect ourselves therefore as it appears we are at an increased risk of death from the complications. There are multiple reasons for this which include the fact many of us are key workers such as doctors, nurses, drivers, shop keepers, pharmacists, so we are on the front lines. We also live in extended families and hence it is more difficult to self-isolate. We need to particularly protect those that are vulnerable such as those with medical conditions like Asthma, COPD, heart problems and Diabetes. These people need to self-isolate. Those with cancer undergoing chemotherapy and those with blood cancers and very severe lung conditions need to practice shielding which is where you should not leave the house for 12 weeks (for full list of conditions that need to self-isolate or shield, see the NHS website).
COVID-19 is caused by respiratory droplets and direct contact with the virus for example by coughing, sneezing, shaking hands, touching surfaces that an infected person has touched and then touching your mouth, eyes, or nose.
It is important to wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds regularly (especially if you’ve been out) as that will kill off the virus. Do not shake hands. Only leave the house once a day for exercise or grocery shopping and keep a two-metre distance ( those who are in the high-risk group and should be shielding should not leave the house). Masks have some benefit but mainly important for key workers like medical staff who come in to close contact with patients. Carers should also be wearing PPE – gloves, face mask and an apron.
If you are a key worker going out to work then please try and keep away from anyone in the household who has any serious underlying medical condition. Keep away from anyone who has a cough or fever. Those with symptoms should self-isolate for 2 weeks including everyone else in the household. Symptoms include cough, fever, sore throat, aches and pains, tiredness. If you think you have symptoms then drink plenty of fluids, rest and take paracetamol for any fever or aches. Most people will recover with just mild or no symptoms (80%). In some people COVID-19 can cause severe pneumonia. If you develop problems with your breathing or your chest feels tight you must consult your GP or call 111 if it is out of hours. Please do not buy any medicines online to treat COVID-19 because there is no known cure yet and medication bought online can have serious side effects.
I hope you all stay safe and let’s hope for a quick end to this pandemic so we can get back to playing and watching some cricket!